DAY 3, Signed by Nature: Sustainable Sheep and Goat Breeding – Cooking with sheep and goat meat

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Part 1: Professional Cooking Show with Lamb (Chef Manos Parianos + Chef Nikos Fotiadis)

Description: Cooking Show: Chefs Manos Parianos and Nikos Fotiadis cook Lamb sirloin with Aegina pistachio crust, smoked eggplant purée, lamb jus and leg jelly


Part 2: Professional Cooking Show with Lamb (Chef Xenia Bouzaranidou + Chef Nikos Fotiadis)

Description: Cooking Show: Chefs  Xenia Bouzaranidou and  Nikos Fotiadis cook Lamb neck “lollipops”, roasted artichokes, young carrots, green peas purée, sauce “agginares à la polita”.


Part 3: Sheep cutting seminar from nose to tail (Chef Nikos Fotiadis)

Description: Chef Nikos Fotiadis exhibits nose to tail cutting techniques for lamb


More Info

Signed by Nature is a European programme promoting European sustainable sheep and goat farming in Greece, Germany and Sweden, run by the National Interbranch Meat Organization (EDOK). The duration of the campaign is 3 years and its aim is to inform professionals and consumers in Greece, Germany and Sweden for the benefits of sustainable sheep and goat breeding, while at the same time teaching them to recognize the quality of goat and sheep meat produced in the EU. Official website:

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EDOK is the first interbranch organization of its kind and is part of the European Commission’s broader strategy for the promotion of interprofessional activities. EDOK promotes the dialogue between, both the members and the institutions, in order to facilitate those interventions that will benefit the growth of its members and the entire Meat Sector.

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